
Your web presence is only as strong as your search ranking on the major search engines such as Google or Yahoo. To be an effective marketing tool, your restaurant or catering website must be among the top results in a search of local area restaurants. The search engine specialists at the Restaurant Design Lab have the expertise necessary to help your website achieve top positions in internet searches, and once established, we can help you sustain that ranking. Our professionals can target specific keywords and phrases that will pull your website to the first page of search results where the greatest percentages of Internet shoppers make their purchase decisions. A high ranking with search engines is a vital key to driving in more business – and a professionally designed website can make that happen for your business.

Restaurant Internet Marketing

Every day is a constant battle to entice customers and satisfy expectations, for restaurant owners- whether you’re well-known already or still emerging. Nowadays handing out flyers or putting posters aren’t enough to do these. There’s a more effective way to reach a wider audience. And that’s the internet – a rich pool of potential customers. Tap this market by engaging in numerous internet marketing methods that are more cost-effective and automated. In the virtual world there are a lot of channels where you can market your restaurant. Take the right one by getting help from restaurant internet marketing in London experts.

Various Internet Marketing Techniques

Search Engine Optimisation:

SEO helps you stay on top of search engine results. Numerous techniques can be done, with the goal of driving traffic to your site and physical location too.

Content Marketing:

Publishing relevant articles online such as food blogging and guest postings are powerful ways to market your restaurants. It makes people familiar with your products. Make sure to include images to attract more readers.

Social Media and Email Marketing:

With social media, a strong following helps you retain customers and get new ones by posting ads and with other methods. With emails, your offers land straight into the person’s inbox personalised! Make sure you have an active contact list of subscribers to get a good return for this effort.

Online Advertising:

Aside from those mentioned, advertising can also be through the use of graphics, website designs, podcasts and much more.

For all these methods (and more), there’s a team that can deliver you fast and exceptional results. We are a restaurant internet marketing in London that caters to your online marketing needs. We know the industry well, so we employ only the most effective strategies to get bring your restaurants to a whole new level!